Zapier integration features

Use pre-made zaps

You will find some already pre-configured zaps on your dashboard:

Available Zaps

Create a zap using actions

To create a zap using any of the actions available first you’ll need to set a trigger up:

Trigger selection

Once the trigger set up is done, you’ll have to select the app on app selection: selection

And select the “Send a WhatsApp Message” event:

Send a WhatsApp Message

The first time you use it, you’ll be asked to login:

Trigger selection

You need your inbox credentials here, not the ones: Don’t have an inbox?

Trigger selection

Once logged in, you can start setting up the action by providing the destination number, just the numbers, including country code:

Trigger selection

As an example, the number on the picture above would be equivalent to “(+34) 666-666-666” Now you need to select the type of the action:

You can send different types of message:

Trigger selection

For any kind of message you want to send, you will need to provide some additional information for the Zap to work

Trigger selection

Finally, you will be asked to test your new Zap. If it works, congratulations! You will be able to use your new Zap once the process has finished